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In the educational sector, which is the core activity of BVJAD, we implement two separate projects, one- A residential educational institute and the the other outreach work.


243 Boys students and 137 girls students have been educated through BVJAD residential school, total 380.


Residential Primary School for NT/DNT children 

Through the residential school project, which is named in the name of tribal and historical youth Eklayva, every year we provide free education and health services to  more than 200 children belonging to SC/NT/DNT/ST families from different villages from Solapur district and other nearby districts.  


At present the residential school caters its services to 204 children, comprising 118 boys and 86 girls. 

  • 1st Grade- Boys-10, Girls-11, Total 21

  • 2nd Grade- Boys-12, Girls-9, Total 21

  • 3rd Grade- Boys-14, Girls 11, Total 25

  • 4th Grade- Boys- 13, Girls-12, Total 25

  • 5th Grade- Boys- 10, Girls-9, Total 19

  • 6th Grade: Boys- 13, Girls 7, Total 20

  • 7th Grade: Boys-18, Girls 15, Total 33

  • 8th Grade: Boys- 28, Girls- 12, Total 40

  • Total: Boys 118, Girls,86, Total 204


Till date BVJAD has catered the services of residential school facilities to more than 200 children every year. Consisting on an average 110 boys and 90 girls 


Outreach Educational Work:

In the outreach work, we had implemented number of projects, such as non-formal educational, night classes for child labour, kinder garten project, adolescent girls development programme.  Following are the details of the outreach work. 

  • Non-formal education: For 300 children of NT/DNT / ST Families of 10 villages of Karmala block. 

  • Night Classes for Child Labour: We reached for more than 100 child labourers by providing them education. After their working hours. 

  • Kindergarten Project (Balwadi): 50 children from NT/DNT/ST families of Mangi village in Karmala block. 

  • Adolescent Girl Development: 50 girls from NT/DNT/ST families of Mangi village in Karmala block. 

Apart from this we are also implementing a project in Pune city, titled Ashraya Initiative for Children.  Here we implement educational and health services to 25 children in the age group of 3 to 14 years from 25 slums in Pune. 



  • For ensuring the health standards of the children studying in the Eklavya residential school, we have established a sustainable center through which we can yield good nourishment in the form of vegetables and fruit trees. 

  • We also conduct regular camps in villages for women and children and also for children in the residential school. Every year we conduct health camps for 100 women and 200 children. 



For the economic and social upliftment of the families from nomadic and denotified tribes, BVJAD has always taken concrete steps towards this goal. 

  • We have provided seed capital to more than 50 families from Karmala block through which they can start income generation activities and lead a sustainable life. 

  • We have also provided training programmes to youth from nomadic tribes,  scheduled tribes,  denotified tribes on Subjects like NGO Management and Human Development. Here we have trained more than  1000 youth from different villages in Maharashtra and they are now undertaking social and economic  activities in the villages in their districts. 

  • From 46 villages in Karmala block district Solapur, we have provided trainings to more than 500 families from  NT/DNT/ST/ SC and other weaker to obtain various Govt schemes and many of them have accessed schemes like housing, distribution of motor vehicles, agricultural equipment, jobs under National Rural Employment Guarantee schemes, etc. 

  • Through activities like distribution of goats, cattle, poultry , we have uplifted more than 60 families to start animal husbandry activities. 

  • For the implementation of the Self Employment Scheme of the central govt of India, we worked with them to do a survey of Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families, in which 700 BPL families from Karmala block were surveyed and linked to the self employment scheme of the government of India.  


Gender Equality:

The families under nomadic tribes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes are strongly influenced by superstitious activities and thereby many children, girls and women become victims of these traditional superstitious activities. 

As a result of these practices many children, especially girls have to stop their school and get married at early ages. BVJAD has continuously strived to encourage girls to continue education and also sensitize families. We have stopped more than 50 child marriages since inception. 

The superstitious activities also force children to bunk schools and attend traditional festivals for months and thus they remain out of school. In due course the families because they are also poor, the force their children to do child labour activities. We have stopped more than 200  children, especially girls doing labor activities. 

We have supported more than 100 women starting their groups. We have sensitized them on legal acts like Domestic violence Act, Child Marriage Prohibition Act, Property Right Acts, knowledge on IPC codes like 376, 363, 354, etc. We have also trained them on different legal terminologies like IPC, CRPC, FIR, Charge Sheet, Summons, etc. 

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